Star Wars Guardians of the Whills (Star Wars: Rogue One)

By Greg Rucka.

Star Wars Guardians of the Whills (Star Wars: Rogue One)


An exciting adventure about two of the brave heroes from the smash hit movie Rogue One: AStar Wars Story! On the desert world of Jedha, in the Holy City, friends Baze and Chirrut used to be Guardians of the hills, who looked after the Kyber Temple and the devoted pilgrims who worshiped there. Then the Empire came and took over the planet. The temple was destroyed and the people scattered. Now Baze and Chirrut do what they can to resist the Empire and protect the people of Jedha, but it never seems to be enough. Then a man named Saw Gerrera arrives, with a militia of his own and grand p...


1484780817, 9781484780817


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