Staying Small Successfully: A Guide for Architects, Engineers, and Design Professionals

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Human Resources Management The Complete Guidebook for Design Firms Mark C. Zweig According to Mark Zweig, a successful author and management consultant to top design firms, human resources management offers more opportunity to improve firms’ productivity and performance than any other area of professional practice. In this book, Zweig describes in a practical, how-to format the basics of HRM for architects, landscape architects, interior designers, and other design professionals. The book proceeds logically from the hiring process, orientation, and career development to important information on performance appraisals, compensation, and law. Also included are useful forms from leading design firms—all current—and several key case studies. 1991 (0 471-63374-7) 320 pp. Building Construction Inspection A Guide for Architects Jay Bannister Construction inspection is a vital function in the construction process—as vital as the design itself. While most inspection is just good common sense, there are aspects that call for special expertise. This is a practical guide to site inspection for architects and other building professionals that reflects the author’s 27 years of hands-on personal experience. It is organized following the general sequence of construction, and includes a series of detailed checklists called "memory joggers" to help the reader review the various stages of on-site construction. The book also covers the various relationships and practical aspects of being on the job site, and consistently reminds the reader to refer to the drawings and specifications. Includes over 40 drawings and 60 on-site photographs. 1991 (0 471-53004-2) 320 pp. Practice Management for Design Professionals A Practical Guide to Avoiding Liability and Enhancing Profitability John Philip Bachner Based on the experiences of the Associated Soil and Foundations Engineers, this book discusses the methods civil engineers, architects, builders, contractors, and other professionals can use to lower liability insurance rates. The ASFE—formed to control the insurance rates of geotechnical engineers which were the highest among design professionals—created and disseminated a series of programs and other information that lowered their members’ insurance rates in less than 20 years to the lowest in the design industry. The book details and demonstrates how to apply these methods to other design professions. 1991 (0 471-52205-8) 400 pp. - from Amzon
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